Featured Projects — Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

714 Riverdale Drive, Charleston, SC 29407

Chastain Construction recently completed an interior finish renovation at the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in West Ashley.  The project involved plaster repair, painting the ceilings and walls, trim work, and new flooring. Also included was the installation of new wood ceiling fans that blend in with the freshly stained trusses. This renovation shows off what was already a beautiful space!

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Chastain Construction Specializes in providing active medical & complex contracting solutions to a narrow range of clients
Chastain Construction, Inc.
P.O. Box 20697, Charleston, South Carolina 29413
Phone: (843) 722-4555
Fax: (843) 723-3920
Email: NEWprojects@chastainconstruction.com