Commercial Renovation — College of Charleston Housing Fire Safety Upgrades

College of Charleston Housing Fire Safety Upgrades

College of Charleston, Housing Fire Safety Upgrades

Architect: Rosenblum Coe Architects, Inc.
Location: 15 & 17 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC
Chastain Construction has renovated two historic homes that are now a part of the College of Charleston campus. The project involved updating the fire sprinkler and alarm systems to meet National Fire Protection Association standards. These beautiful Greek Revival and Italianate element homes were constructed between 1859-1860. Built as part of the John S. Riggs Tenements, which included three houses on St. Philip Street and two on Wentworth Street. The houses have been a part of the College of Charleston campus since 1976.

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Chastain Construction Specializes in providing active medical & complex contracting solutions to a narrow range of clients
Chastain Construction, Inc.
P.O. Box 20697, Charleston, South Carolina 29413
Phone: (843) 722-4555
Fax: (843) 723-3920